I had this thought as I was riding my bike and noticed an attractive woman.
Note: Day One’s “Two years ago on this feature” brought up this entry, and I thought it was quite relevant to share. I don’t remember her, but I remember the day was gorgeous and I was turning the corner near Gasworks, on my way to UW. Likely (https://www.strava.com/activities/762716509). Here it is - from November 1st 2016 @ 9:17 AM (unedited):
I had this thought as I was riding my bike and noticed an attractive woman.
My instinct noticed her hair, but it was important for me to both confirm her gender and evaluate her attractiveness.
This wasn't a conscious effort, per-se, it was a glance and a thought.
That's the instinct - but it doesn't serve me well now. I don't need to evaluate women as their potential to be a mate, but rather, to admire them as humans - as I might admire any human.
My thoughts turned to how to guide this instinct - which exists for good reason, and has served my species well. Which thoughts should I have, this more enlightened attempt at me?
I thought of the phrase "anything I can do, she could do better." This random woman, this human, she could run faster than me. She could be wittier than me, more intelligent than me, more generous, etc.
This woman is someone who I should look at with admiration; yes, perhaps it was her form that caught my eye - but my mind, it should be intrigued by her potential.